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Common Wi-Fi Troubles: 1. You can’t get a Wi-Fi signal in another part of your home, or another distant building. Like barn, boat, guest house, RV park, and shop. 2. Have a one bar signal and your internet is dropping all the time. This Systems allows you to receive Wi-Fi signals from a long distance and rebroadcast a new reliable Wi-Fi signal to a new location. Add on 5G and LTE Router to be your main Router. Above show up...
When building a unique robot, choosing a good Wi-Fi module is crucial. First, you need to determine whether your robot will act as a client, a master AP for other clients, or if you want a group of robots to communicate with each other even without internet access.There are three possible situations: In the future, we will discuss how to determine the specifications for your wireless system and the important factors to consider when setting it up.